Monday, 30 December 2019


Screenshots of my website as some of the fonts have changed 




Tuesday, 3 December 2019

PRODUCTION: Third update

From my audience feedback, I had received quite positive feedback from my focus group which suggests that my front covers have connected with them. There are a few comments about spelling mistakes which I have taken on board such as 'reimaged' instead of 'reimagined'. Additionally with the placement of the barcode and the price as the price needed to be much clearer and obvious for the audience to see and with the barcode - this needed to be much smaller in order to meet the codes and conventions of magazines. 
This is the updated versions of the covers.

For the contents pages, most of my audience feedback said that they preferred the HMV promotion compared to the Netflix promotion. So, I dismissed the Netflix promotion and used the HMV promotion on both contents pages which would emphasise the use of convergence through both contents pages. As well I added more pictures to the Elton John contents page due to contents page looking very empty and in order to meet the codes and conventions of entertainment magazines, they must look very cluttered. I also decided that the blue 'SCENE" did not fit with the colour palette of the contents page so, I changed the colour to black to create a more cohesive magazine.

Friday, 29 November 2019

PRODUCTION: update online product masthead
From my audience feedback, my online product masthead didn't convey a strong masthead so, I decided to use the deep blue from the Elton John cover to reinforce my house style and cohesive colour palette between all products. I have added my tagline 'ENHACING YOUR CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE' underneath the masthead to create brand loyalty and brand awareness for the audiences. I have also created a link to Hearst's website for industry context as in the magazine brief, the magazine would be published by Hearst Magazine UK. I still have the same Menu bar and social media bar in order to meet the codes and conventions of magazine websites. 

Thursday, 28 November 2019

PRODUCTION: updated audio visual 
Due to the fact that my online masthead changed. I have updated a few images on my audio visual to increase by brand loyalty and create brand awareness. I have also added the Elton John logo with the E to attract Elton John's fandom. 
PRODUCTION: Easter egg/ call to action - online website

On my website, I have created an Easter egg and call to action. In the print contents page, I have mentioned the 'CHANCE TO WIN PREMIERE TICKETS' which only the print readers would know about as there would be a quote on the spine of the magazine and the print subscribers would have to guess which film the quote is from. If they know the answer they would click the TICKET icon and it would take them into a secret page where they can submit their answer.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

PRODUCTION: contents update

I have added an editor's note, columns, advertisement with HMV as demand for DVDs and tangible copies of films, music etc. are declining so, by using collaboration with HMV would hopefully be convergence between both companies to gain sales. As well I have added promoted the company's social media platforms, website and re-promoted the print magazine with a small image of the front cover to create digital convergence through out the whole brand 

Monday, 25 November 2019

PRODUCTION: first draft for #MYELTONGLASSES enticement for online product

I wanted to create an enticement for my #MTELTONGLASSES article in order to attract and promote the audio visual for the article. I ask for my focus group which one they preferred and this was one of the responses given:

From the audience feedback, the majority of my focus group preferred the video as it was more eye-catching compared to the picture. I decided to dismiss the picture for the #MYELTONGLASSES in order to meet their wants and needs and kept the video

Sunday, 24 November 2019

PRODUCTION: Online product -Maisie Radley Interview enticement 

From my focus group survey, the content my audience wanted from an entertainment magazine were interviews. I decided that I would create an interview. I originally created this strip on my website with a quote in a simplistic serif typography with the model's picture on either side. However, from my audience feedback, the strip did not work with my online product as I lost my house style within the website and didn't look cohesive with my print magazine. So I decided to make the feature more interactive to meet the needs and wants of my 'fun-loving 16-25 year old mass market' and create a simplistic hover box. 

I decided t dismiss the quote and keep with the article title. I decided to use the same typography as my print magazine in order to enhance my print magazine and a similar colour scheme as my print magazine to reinforce my house style.